one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Monday, February 04, 2013

This is exactly what I was told as a child, and this is why I'm the black sheep of the family

At Macworld/iWorld last week I watched Josh Gad and Ashton Kutcher talk about making Jobs (or jOBS or JOBS, depending on what paper you write for). Ashton got a little emotional as he spoke about a key moment for him, hearing Jobs talk about how we all have the power to change the world. Well, maybe not all of us. He never says "we all have the power" because I think, like me, Steve realized that not everyone can be a great leader.

Anyway, I think this is powerful stuff. I was always told to just go to school, don't make waves, get good grades, and you will graduate and find a nice happy cog in the machine to fall into and your life will be "nice" and "safe."

My life has been awesome and I was a C-student who changed majors 3 times, took 5 years to graduate then graduated with a B average in film school. We had our second kid when I had no job. Another favorite quote is from Auntie Mame: "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving!"

Here's the video:

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