one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How to steal music, pt. 1: the Manifesto

You know, I really wanted to give the RIAA the benefit of the doubt. More importantly, I wanted to give due process and some judges the benefit... But the RIAA keeps forcing us into this.

The final straw came as I read the words of some RIAA "experts" on Techdirt:

“Well, we don't really model this as an industry with thousands of webcasters, we think it should be an industry with, you know, five or seven big players who can pay a high rate and it's a stable, predictable market.”

Um, call me crazy, but don't we live in a capitalist economy and society? Since when did we establish a Beaureau of Predictable Markets? How dare the RIAA set fiscal policy for an entire industry! Never mind the totalitarian, communist and frankly, borderline illegal nature of this policy-- this is the kind of shit that can screw up an economy. Let's face it, increasingly our greatest exports are creative content. Music, movies, even design are all very strong in our country and we export a lot of it to reap huge rewards domestically. It is positively un-American to hinder this progress, which is exactly what the narrow-minded buffoons at the RIAA wish to do. Their actions and their words are now laid bare for the world to see, if only it will open its eyes. My guess is the day Sally Lunchpail can't tune in to her web radio will be the day the outcry begins, but by then it will be too late.

So, as a patriotic person, and a man who believes in our economy and creative citizenry, I'm going to provide some details on how the average human can steal music. The RIAA leaves us no choice, as they would rather close the music industry down than allow us to experience music and BUY music on our own terms. RIAA, from hell's heart, I stab at thee.

More details to come...

UPDATE: Here's a nice list of the power brokers behind the RIAA.
And to be clear, I'm not advocating actual theft. When I say "steal" music, I'm referring to the theft as the RIAA defines it, not as the law of the land does. I don't want artists to get shafted. But the RIAA doesn't rep the artists, it reps the labels. Did we not learn our economic lessons regarding trickle-down economics? For proof that doesn't work, be sure to look at how the rich have gotten richer, and the middle class (your truly) has become poorer in the past 20 years.

I mean "steal music" like Abbie Hoffman meant "steal this book." It is a call to arms, and a call for discussion. I'd love to have a few minutes in front of anyone at the RIAA to plead the case of the average American-- this doesn't have to be a one-sided victory, after all.

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