one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Monday, November 10, 2008

Working on a curriculum

Much of what I'm doing isn't really new or unique, but finding resources has been tough. Most "math prep" stuff is geared to kids who are getting ready for testing, NOT adults looking for a refresher. So here's what is on my plate thus far:

-- Math: using the DVD's from (and then I'm ripping and downconverting for my iPhone) Also some books:
- Linear Algebra and its Applications
- Everyday Math Demystified

-- Cocoa Touch: so far I'm still working my way through the Apple videos. Thus far I get some of what they are saying, but as I learn more about C it makes more sense.

-- Basic CompSci: re-reading Larry Gonick's classic "Cartoon Guide to Computer Science" as a sort of 101. Fun and refreshing!

-- C, C++, Objective-C, Xcode, etc.:
- My C training is mostly just online tutorials (Google search). One was terrific from an instructional design perspective, though poorly written.
- C++ is "Learn How to Program with C++" and it deals a lot with writing specs (which is good!)
- "The iPhone Developer's Cookbook" by my former colleague Erica Sadun

Everything else (so far) I'm getting from Apple on their dev site. Next installment: my experience with the Unity iPhone version.

NOTE: I'm veering into Objective-C for now, and Unity will come along in about a week or two. I'm hoping by Thanksgiving to have a long session with Unity and build something nifty.

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