one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Friday, March 02, 2012

Limbaugh is a slut

He's been a whore for years. Undereducated and overblown, the guy is a waste of carbon. But the best part? The junkie took a trip to a pedophile and prostitute friendly locale in Dominican Republic and brought along a big bottle of Viagra (for which he was busted bringing back in a mislabeled bottle).

But of course, let's not forget that in the right-wing vision of the world, your worth as a human being is valued by your bank account. So Rush is actually a better person than all of us, including all the awesome sluts out there.

As a member of the nobility, it's totally OK for that fat slut to go fuck a child in another country. Again and again and again... Boy, he must need a lot of Viagra to fuck so many kids!

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