one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Monday, September 11, 2006

YouTube: Get Lost

Well, another popular-site-under-pressure has popped up. First it was MySpace, with the server errors and whosafudgits, and now it is YouTube. All morning I've been trying to see the last 2 minutes of the assembled "Lost" footage (from the show, the online experience stuff). Kudos to the guy who put it all together but... YouTube is only getting a minute or two before completely crapping out. First, I'd like to see the fan sites put together all the clips on a page, but individually. And second, I'd like to see YouTube get their act together. Nothing screams "I need an influx of cash" like failing to load content... Digg went through the growing pains too. I'm surprised it took this long for YouTube to crack-- video takes enormous amounts of bandwidth, even crappy, pixelated Flash-based video...

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