one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

iPhone OS 3.0 -- not that Apple will approve me in the program

So it's been a month since Apple took my money. $99 for a guy with 2 kids and now just one job is actually a bit of a pain. Especially when I lost that gig and have to pay for a bunch of my SXSW expenses... So I've got some really cool apps in the pipe, but I can't do jack until Apple approves me in the developer program "for real." Which they have yet to do.

This is a common refrain, sadly. I'm curious as to what the approval process means. Is there some special vetting? Do they check my credit? Do they track to see if I've read all the documentation or a certain percentage? Do they do a Google search on my name? If so, posting stuff about the App Store approval process being "broken" might not help my cause... But that'd also be a form of censorship on their part. Not that I'd put Apple past it.

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