one man's journey into creating gibblybits

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Next book: Beginning iPhone Development

So I finished iPhone in Action and wrote my review for TUAW. I liked the book, but the structured, formal approach had me lost at one point, and without a teacher to ask questions, I had to quickly punt and slog through the rest. Things started to coalesce, but sadly one part had me stumped...

Then I started reading Beginning iPhone Development. Maybe it's the writing style, or maybe it's the radically different structure, but I'm liking it much more than iPhone in Action... and both are better (for me) than Erica's Cookbook.

Like I said in my review, it's hard to really "review" these books, as what works for me might not work for you. But so far I'm making great progress. Now if only I could craft SQL statements without crying...

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